Paraganglioma Glossary
a special test that is performed by an experienced radiologist where a plastic tube or catheter is inserted into one of the blood vessels in the groin and is then advanced to the blood vessels in the neck. Using this test, multiple tumors can be identified and arterial blood vessels feeding the tumor can be clotted off.
a vessel which carries richly oxygenated blood from the heart to other organs
Chorda tympani nerve
a nerve which transmits taste information from the front two-thirds of the tongue back to the brain. The nerve travels through the middle ear close to the ossicles.
CT scan
a computerized tomography scan or special X-ray which allows more detailed views of bony structures and soft tissue
a procedure done during angiography which involves blocking the blood vessels supplying blood to the tumor
Glomus Jugulare
a paraganglioma which arises from paraganglia around the jugular bulb
Glomus tympanicum
a paraganglioma which arises from paraganglia in the middle ear
Internal Jugular Vein
a vein that collects blood from the brain and empties eventually into the heart
Jugular bulb
a venous cavity which receives blood from the sigmoid sinus and empties into the internal jugular vein
the three bones behind the eardrum, namely the malleus, incus and stapes
cells located around the middle ear, jugular bulb, or carotid artery in the neck which are thought to detect oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the bloodstream
Semicircular canals
part of the inner ear involved in gathering information on head motion
Sigmoid sinus
a large vein found deep within the mastoid which collects blood from the brain and empties into the jugular bulb
ringing or noise in the ears
a vessel that carries blood away from other organs and to the heart. The red blood cells within veins have a lower oxygen content.